2 Aralık 2011 Cuma



Insulin is a kind of hormone that can be produced by the pancreas. Insulin is produced and then is released into the blood stream and is travelled all arount the body. Insulin plays a role at metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The other function of insulin is regulating the growth of the body cells. Also, insulin plays a role in helping the cells for using the blood glucose to conver energy.

Insulin resistance is a condition that the body can not use properly the produces insulin. The causes of insulin resistance are genetic factors, the metabolic syndrome, obesity, pregnancy, infections, severe illnesses, stress and the steroid usage. At the insulin resistance condition, the cells of the body are resistant to the insulin's effects. Thus, the normal responce for insulin reduces.

Insulin resistance can develope the risks of prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardivascular diseases. When blood glucose levels are higher than normal however not high for detecting diabetes, it is called “prediabetes”.

The insulin resistance can be diagnosed with tests. Those tests can be done with measuring the level of insulin in the blood. The test which most accurately measures insulin resistance called the “euglycemic clamp”. According to the result of the tests, when prediabetes or metabolic syndrome can be indicated, mostly insulin resistance is also presents.

Diabetes and prediabetes can be detected with two kind of testes as “fasting glucose test” and “glucose tolerance test”.

Befor the fasting glucose test, people do not eat anything for 8 hours. Thus, it can give reliable results in the mornings. Fasting glucose levels of 100 to 150 mg/dL are above normal but not high enough to be called diabetes. So, this can be prediabetes.

Glucose tolerance test measures the blood glucose. For making this test, people do not eat anything for at least 8 hours and 2 hours however they drink a seet liquid that is provided by a doctor. Blood glucose level between 140 and 199 mg/dL can indicate that having the insulin resistance and a risk for developing diabetes.

To sum up, being phsically active, making wise food choice and having the ideal weight can prevent and reverse insulin resistance and prediabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Programm (DPP) confirmed that if the people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be protected with losing weight with regular physical activity and diet that is low in fat and calories.


Insulin and Prediabetes, Retrieved from,

Insulin Resistance, Retrieved from,