5 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba


In the developed countries as America, England and Germany there are many refugees or migrants who goes these countries to find a job. They aim to have a good job and good life. They dream about having a high quality of life in these countries. However, nothing is as easy as they think.

In the film, there is a agency that is established by a two women. On of the women has no job because she tried to have her right against to harrasment of her boss. Thus, she wanted to have her own job to find a job for migrants. She does everything as legal ways. There was a man from Iraq, he had no visa so she said to him, “no papers, no work.” After, these things she tried to help them with giving false papers as madeup and fake passaports. The jobs that, immigrants were very dangerous. So, there were many accidents for workers.

These kinds of workers do not have health insurance and even visa and permission for work. There is some citizenships who have their rights can use them for earning money. This is the issue. And also, the woman has problem. She had harrasment and after that she has fired from her job. This is another problem in the film. Problems have been occured because of the other problems. It is kind of a building whose base is not well-shaped.

In this film, there is an Iraqian man and his family. They came to London as a refugee but they have not got English citizenship yet. They leave their homeland because they were selling a wrong type of books that critisise the government. They tried to escape from bad situation at their land however they also faced with bad situations in their new land.

Migrations and having citizenship are problematic issues. Refugees or asylum seeker are noncitizens in the country. These kind of people do not have any legal papers. Thus, finding job for these people before having formal citizenship or permission for work as a refugee, is not a legal attitude. However, in the capitalist system some people who love money can use them.

To sum up, every issues have connection with other issues. Every result of problems have close connection with the causes of other problems. Having a job without permission is an outcome of the other problems. Capitalistic order can be the cause of the many problems. According to reports of World Bank, the half of the world population, nearly 3 billion people live with less than 2 $ and 1,5 billion people live with less then 1$. Consequently, the main and significant cause of the inequality of expenditure is Capitalist System. Thus, the citizens do not share their limited incomes with the migrants. The legal citizens have concerns about sharing the income with migrants and this concerns make them to think that everything will go worse if they share the money with them. Thus, they behave against the migrants which is the cause of the discrimination. On the other hand, from the side of migrants, this is the cause of not being integrated to the new country as migrant. Everything follows each other as an issue. It seems as steps of ladder.

Kapitalizm ve Açlık, Retrieved from http://www.marksist.com/GUN/KapitalizmVeAclik.htm

Goge bakma duragi'nda otobus bekliyorum.

Duraktayim. Bekliyorum. Yanimda bekleyen yasli teyze laf atsa da, konussak diye cok bekledim. Fazla soguk ve resmi gorunumlu. Ben de fazla gulumsuyorum, birileriyle konusmaya ihtiyacimin oldugunu bu kadar belli etmesen iyi olurdu aslinda. Ama, yapamiyorum. Konusmazsam cildiricak gibi oluyorum. Evde surekli annem ve babamla konusmama, onlardan arta kalan vakitte arkadaslarimla telefon, facebook vs. Den konusmama ragmen, tonla anlatacak seyim var. İste bu yuzden yazmak istiyorum. Bazen her seyi yazmak istiyorum. Okuduklarimi, izlediklerimi, hissettiklerimi, duyduklarimi ve gorduklerimi... Demis ya yazar, "yazmasam deli olacaktim." ben de "delirmemek icin yaziyorum." demek istiyorum, sonra da yazdiklarimi dusununce vazgeciyorum.
İyisi mi ben bir yerlere birileri ile gidip cay icip sohbet falan edeyim.

4 Eylül 2012 Salı

Kucuk mucizeler dukkani

Bugun, otobus beklerken ilk defa kitap otomatindan kitap aldim. Acikcasi bu durum cok hosuma gitti. Otomat dedigin benim gozumde sadece yiyecek ve icecek veren bir makine idi, cunku. Artik, duzenli diyet ve spor yapan bir insan oldugumu da dusunursek otomatlara yaklasmiyordum ta ki bu otomati gorene kadar.
Otomattaki cogu kitabi inceledim ve aralarindan adi tanidik oldugu icin " kucuk mucizeler dukkani" ni sectim. Gecen hafta cok yakin bir arkadasimls bu kitaptan bahsetmistik. Arkadasim bunun seri oldugundan bahsetti ve beraber kitap baktigimiz yerde ikinci ya da ucuncu kitabini gosterdi. Ve ekledi, "serinin ilk kitabini bulursam, bu seriye baslayacagim." biraz da bunun etkisiyle olsa gerek bu kitap cok ilgimi cekti. Okuduktan sonra arkadasima vermeyi planlayaeak, yariladim kitabi.
Birbiriyle hicbir ortak yani olmayan fort kadinin bir tuhafiye dukkaninda orgu kursu sayesinde kaynasmalarini anlatan bir kitap. Amerikan dizisiymis gibi geldi bana, okurken. Acikcasi, okurken cok sikildim. Ancak, gece yolculugunun verdigi yorgunluk ve uykusuzluk halindeyken cok rahat okundugu icin ve vakit gecirmeme yardimci oldugu icin soluksuz okudum.
Kitabin sonlarina gelmistim ki, otobusum geldi. Yanim bos oldugu icib kitabi yanima koydum ve uykuya daldim ta ki, zonguldak yolunda oldugumu anlayana kadar. Telasla indim, muavin beni unutmus cunku eregli terminalinde inecek tek yolcu varmis, o da benmisim. Paldir kuldur otobusten inerken muavine cikismskka beraber kitabi unuttugumun fatkina bile varmamisim. Eve gelince muavine set cikisimi dusunup, pisman olurken aklima bugun "haydi mutlu olalim, mutlu edelim, mucizemizi yaratalim." temali bir kitap okudugumu animsadim. Ardindan da, onu arkadasima vermeyi planladigimi... Sonra da, unuttugumu onu otobuste...
Kitabin sonunu tahmin edebildigim icin son sayfasina kadar okuyamadigina uzulmedim, elbet. Ama, okusaydim iyi olurdu, zira bir kitabi sevmesem bile yarim birakmayi sevmem. Demem o ki, ben onu arkadasima verecektim. En kotusu de arkadasima, "merak ettigin kitap var ya, o ben de var. Bir gun gel goruselim, sana kitabi vereyim." demis bulundum.
O degil de, benim mucizem de zonguldak yoluna girmis olan otobusde uyurken bir anda uyanmami saglayan mesaj oldu. Yoksa, bir geceyi daha evimden uzakta gecirmek zorunda kalabilirdim.
Hayat guzel, hayat mucizelerle guzel.