28 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi


There is two types of citizenship as formal and substantive. The substantive citizenship is a kind of citizenship that has many contents. On the other hand, formal citizenship is restricted. As a comparison substantive citizenship and formal citizenship, it can be said that substantive citizenship includes more features than formal citizenship.

In the concept of the substantive citizenship, citizens accept the content of the being citizenship and searching for the rights that based on being a citizenship. And also, these citizens want to have political belonging.

According to McNevin's article, Sans Papiers(without papers) who are a collective of irregular migrants in France have claims to entitlement mobilize multiple dimensions of political belonging and provide concept into transitions in political community, identity and practice [1]. To give a brief explanation, people want a widely defined concept of citizenship and having widely defined rights as a citizen.

When citizens do not have equal rights, they become violent. And they try to get their rights with their violent activities and propagandas. Women in Turkey who wear headscarfs can be a good example for that situation. They want to attend public sphere with their headscarfs as the women who do not wear headscarfs. They want the equal rights as going school and working at hospitals with their headscarfs. It can seen obviously and usually in Turkey. This is an example of substantive citizenship.

According to Holston, “the idea that this global peripheral urbanization produces new kinds of active citizens and citizenship contrasts sharply with the predictions of urban social and environmental catastrophe that have never been in short supply.” [2] To explain it briefly, the idea of substantive citizenship can help to create new kind of active citizens who try to do whatever they can do to get their rights. On the other hand, people who accept the concept of formal citizenship do not become active, they just accept whatever they have and do not try to take more than that they have as rights.

According to Lukose, “educational institutions are often understood to be key spaces for constituting modern public spheres and central to the production of citizens in modern nation-states.” [3] To explain briefly, educational institutions affect the concepts that occur in the brains of the people. And the basis of the political public can be shaped with the education thet is given at the educational instutions. In my opinion, for understanding all of the concepts about every themas, education is the most significant factor. Because, education can help people to understand well and evaluate the concepts. For the educated people, citizenship should be substantive with many rights as a human.

To give an example, in many countries generally university students make propagandas for having equal rights as citizens. For that, they become violent as the university students who wants to be accepted to the schools with their head scarfs. They always do porpagandas for that issue in Turkey.

To sum up, citizens accept that formal citizenship and then some of them get activated and they want to expand the facilities for the citizens. This wanting can be emerged by their educational background. And also, with the difficulties that they live which makes them violent to get the rights. In the concept of formal citizenship, everyone has the equal rights however they do not. Substantive citizenship always indicates that differences.

[1] McNevin A., Political belonging in a neoliberal era: the struggle of the sans-papiers, 2006, Australia, p135
[2] Holston J., Insurgent Citizenship in an era of global urban peripheries, nd., Berkeley, p248.
[3] Lukose R., empty citizenship : protesting politics in the era of globalization, Pennslyvania, p506.

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