27 Kasım 2011 Pazar


Transsexuals are people who has the male sex and female gender. Someof them have operation and hormone therapy and some of them have nooperation. Generally, they are working as sex workers. Thus, nobodywants to give them an ordinary jobs. They need money so they work assex workers and get monet from prostitution. They are waiting for jobat the streets. Sometimes, they are caught by the police. As it isknown, police does not have good attitude to them as many people onthe streets.
Atthe documentary that is called as “Benve Nuri Bala” (2009),we can see the lives of a transsexual who worked as sex workers andafter that he had a stand-up show that is based on his real lifestory. He says that after learning about feminism, he quits workingsex. In the documentary, he says that he tried to find an ordinaryjob however everyone rejected him. Thus, he worked as sexworker. Hecriticise that a lot. There is a closed force to make them as sexworkers. When they are sex workers, there is many costomers for them.Many of the transsexuals say that their costomers are good familymen. If these customers see transsexuals with their wives or girlfriends, they are saying some bad words in front of them. They dothat due to seem more masculine.
In addition to that bad attitudes, police do not behave transsexualsin a good way. Esmeray tells that, one police beats her. After that,she goes to the court for case. She says that, this case does notgive and result however the opening of the case is also a greatprocess as a beaten transsexual. In the Deniz Kandiyoti's article, itcan be read the sayings of a transsexual about arresting of thetranssexuals. She says that, being arrested as a prostitute with pinkidentity is bad however with having blue identity even havingwelloperation is worse that that. Because of, beaten and humiliatedby polices.
To sum up, people should accept transsexuals as normal human who arein their eyes. People should think that there are many men who arerespected by others have secret relationship with these transexuals.People shpuld not forget that these men are the people who they thinkas normal human. There is both sides of the coin however many peoplein Turkey look just in one side which shows always the crushed peopleas the worst ones. This point of view should be altered. After thisalteration, transexuals can have an ordinary job, an education and alife as the others. When the discrimination finishes, many problemswill be solved in Turkey.
  1. Deniz Kandiyoti,“Pink Card Blues: Trouble and Strife at the Crossroads of Gender.”, 2002
  1. Ben ve Nuri Bala, Melisa Önel, 2009.

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