Institutions or sites of science are very significant for the development of the knowledge and science. Instutionalization means that dividing into the smaller parts. Thus, instutionalization accelerate the growth of the knowledge. Instutionalization is similar with professionalization. Both of them help to the science to develop. However, instutionalvzation for the science comes up at very near history.
There are two types of universities from history to now. These are the early modern universities and the modern universities. At the early modern universities, the education is different than the modern universities. At the early modern univerities, natural sciences as physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, ecology are studied. At modern universities, natural sciences ara studied as well as the early modern universitied. However, there are some differences. One of the difference is instutinalization. At the early modern universities, the science studied as a whole part. For example, they studied entire biology. At the modern universities, biology is divided into the subthemas as genetics, molecular biology, plant physiology and do on. To understand the subthemas of the biology, knowing whole biology is requiered. However, dividing the big topic into the smaller parts makes the studies more effective. After these divisions, science has been improved a lot. The other difference is for the early modern universities the science was not accepted as a “vocation”. At the modern universities, becoming profesional in science in the universities can be accepted as a job. It can be said that, science become popular in market economy. In addition to these, in the medieval universities, they studied history, mathematic, biology and they started to study grammer, logic and dialectic. And also, at these universities, they effort to final a way of contol of scepticism and they tried to replace it with the certaintity.
According to Weber, “the fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and above all by the disenchanment of the world.” [1] He says that, after disenchanment of the world that means having logical explanation for the problems, not having the mystic explanations. That idea comes up at the modern universities after change the way of thinking about the science. These changes about science lead the universities to change. Thus, there are differences between the universities. In addition to these, Weber says that, “Science today is a vocation that organized in special disciplines.” [2] That quote explains that how the science is seen in the modern universities at the present time. From the history, mant phlosophers thought that large particles are invisible so they tried to divide them into small particles. That idea lead them to divide the science into the subdisiplines. In the universities, scientists become a teacher and they give lectures and for that they are paid. All of these changes make to accept the science as a vocation.
To sum up, the universities and their systems and their courts are changes as everything. After rönesans the way of thinking has been changed. The way of thinking has changed the subjects that are studied in fact the subjects are not changed entirely, they just divided into groups. Also, at the present time universities are changing. Weber compares the universities in Germany and the USA. From his comparision, it can be said that in Germany, the academic career starts with being a private lecturer and they are not paid. On the other hand, in the USA, the academic career starts as being “assistan” who is paid. Thus, they do a lot of works. Overburdened by a lot of works as being assistant and being paid from the university indicates that science becomes as a job. In German system, the graduate student can be an academician if they can have the opportunities about self funding. When we look that system, it can not be said that science is accapted as a job. However, German Universities has been accepted the system of America afterwards. Nowadays, becoming a scientist is accepted as a job. It can be said that, americanization have effects on the entire areas as life, science and so on.
[1] Weber M. ,Science as a Vocation, Retrieved from,
[2] Weber M. ,Science as a Vocation, Retrieved from,
Peter Dear, Revolutionizing the Sciences: European Knowledge and its Ambitions, 1500-1700. 2nd ed. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, 2008.
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