27 Kasım 2011 Pazar

the natural sciences and the social sciences

There is not any hard and fast division between the natural sciences and the social sciences. Natural sciences based on the sciences of the nature as physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy and so on. Natural sciences are the main base of the scientific revolution. On the other hand, social sciences are related with the society. Social sciences includes law, economics, sociology, geography and so on. For both of them some methods are used. The scientific method can be used for both of them. Due to the most important part of the method is having a definite problem. After defining the problem, data collection is important. For both of them, these steps are used. And than, some observations and experiments can be done. For the natural sciences some experiments can be done many times. However, for social sciences sometimes it can not be possible. On the other hand, observation is useful process for both of them.

Darwin has defined a term as “natural selection” that is survival of the fittest. That means the powerful living creature developed in the nature for surviving. According to Darwin, the social animals adopt the structure that should be benefit for the community. The structure of one species modifies as giving advantage to another species and that should be good for others. Darwin has been defined that theory by looking at the animal and plants. He observed them and their behaviours in the their natural habitat. After some years has been passed, that theory was started to use for the human community. Behaviours of the humans can help to regulate the economy. It can play a role in curing the social negativities as poverty, illiteracy and so on. After these kind of studies occur which is about scientific study that is based on social behaviour. That can explain the behaviours of the people in the context of evolution. This can be explained clearly with the theory of Charles Darwin and Adam Smith. Charles Darwin says that the most powerful living creature can be survive in the environment and develop ıtself which is called as “natural selection.” On the other hand, Adam Smith defined a term that is about economy, “invisible hand”. Invisible hand means that self regulation of the market in the society. There are forces that play a role in regulating the market place which are competition, self interest and supply-demand. When we look that definition, we can remember the theory of Darwin. When there is competition between the species in the nature, species want to be powerful. That can be seen same for the economy. When there is competition between markets in the economics, all of them want to be the most powerful. For the nature and for the economy, competition between the species makes one of them most powerful. The most powerful one can survive itself.

To sum up, the natural sciences and the social sciences affect each other a lot. They can not be thought as distinct due to strict correlation of them. When natural sciences and social sciences are wanted to be compared, the critics can be the methods, theories and ideas. By looking them, natural sciences and social sciences can be thought as so similar. The most well known example for that can be the evolution theory. Natural selection is the theory of nature that was explained by Darwin. On the other hand, Adam Smith who is the economist explained the invisible hand. The reasons of natural selection and invisible hand are so similar. Thus, it can be said that there is a theory that have main bases and these bases can be converted into nature life and social life.

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