26 Kasım 2011 Cumartesi


Tuzla is a very big and significant workplace for Turkey. Many people work there as engineer, contracted worker and subcontracted worker. Many of these workers migrate from their hometowns to here to have a work. This work place is for building ship. Thus, this workplace is dangerous. These kind of works have to have many precautions to save the life and health of the people who work there. However, there are many people who lost their lives in Tuzla shipyards at the moment of working.
Many of the deaths happen because of the lack of the precautions. Owner of the work does not work and gets the profit. On the other hand, subcontractors work and take a money for their daily work. The owner try to pay less money for the healt insurance of the workers to have more profits, so they prefer to take the subcontractors. Subcontractors are kind of workers who works in bad conditions with less money and without full time healt insurance. In the documentary that is called 4857, these kind of issues can be seen. The workers say after an industrial accident, “The owner of the work, makes us to hurry up and they give us overtime work with extra money. We need money, so we accept the overtime work. One worker lost his life to finish the work one day early. His life has gone for just extra 10 TL.” [1]. After tthese kinds of accident, the owner try to keep the death as a secret. They try to say that this worker had died because of heart attack. However, it is not true. And nobody can say the truths.
Ministry of Labor and Social Security should control the work place if these places are appropriate for workers and these workers have education for these works and in addition to these criterion, Ministry of Labor and Social Security should check if the workplaces have the precautions for the work accidents. However after, industrial accidents Ministry of Labor and Social Security says that there is nothing which goes wrong in these work places. After the death of miner in the grounds of a mine in Zonguldak, Ministry of Labor and Social Security Ömer Dinçer said that, “Miners have died in a good way as physically and their families are in peace.”. Ministry of Labor and Social Security said these kind of sentences after the mining disaster [2]. Many people get angry after these sentences because they are not appropriate sentences which can be said after accident. Thus, many people lose their beliefs to Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
To solve the problems for workers, many things shoul be changed. Firstly, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security should take their responsibilities and after that they should work appropriately for their works as solving the problems for unsecurity, checking the health insurance of the workers, averting the uninsured workers at the work places and do on. Consequently, solving the problem needs to start from top to bottom. In other words, if the head has problems, the foot have problems.
[1] Documentary 4857, 2008
[2] Çelik A. (2010, June 3). Taşerona Güzelleme Bakanlığı, Birgün Gazetesi.

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